How Lotterywest Grants Are Helping Children & Families Cope With Grief

Lionheart Camp For Kids
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Along with putting you in the running to win a life-transforming prize, a portion of your Lotto ticket helps make great things happen around the state to the tune of $323 million last financial year via Lotterywest’s grants program!

Lionheart Camp For Kids is an incredibly important not-for-profit organisation that helps bereaved children and families cope with the grief that comes with losing a significant person in their life. Lionheart’s mission is to create a connected, compassionate and caring community that identifies grief as a natural, normal and healthy response to loss.

Through Lotterywest’s grants program, $120,195 has helped Lionheart Camp For Kids to continue expanding their important services, which include camps, online support and mentor programs.

“Funding from places like Lotterywest has absolutely changed our organisation. It went from us being able to offer people a program for two days once off in their life, to being able to support families navigate their grief journey over the years,” said Shelly Skinner, Founder & CEO of Lionheart Camp for Kids.

If you want to learn more about how Lotterywest grants are helping the WA community head to the Lotterywest Dream State Story Hub.