Busso Beer Legends Rocky Ridge Brewing Co. Unveil Plans For New Taphouse In Perth!

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co
Home >Eat & Drink >Busso Beer Legends Rocky Ridge Brewing Co. Unveil Plans For New Taphouse In Perth!

We’re not short on fantastic breweries around Western Australia, but you’d be hard-pressed to find one more loved and adored than the legends at Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Based out of Busselton, it’s gone from a small, independent, family owned business founded by Hamish Coates, Mel Holland and Colin Coates to, well… that’s kinda still their exact vibe, only becoming more and more loved by West Aussies year-on-year.

Their TapHouse in Busselton has been a must stop for locals and tourists alike since opening just over four years ago, and us Perth blow-ins now have a reason to celebrate with the announcement of Rocky Ridge’s second TapHouse coming to Perth!

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co Perth

“The cat is out of the bag, the rumours are true – so get pumped, we’re coming to you,” the brewery announced via Facebook this week. “…After two years of searching, we managed to find the ideal venue in the beautiful centre of Duncraig – specifically – shop 14, Duncraig Shopping Centre, 50 Marri Road, Duncraig, a stone’s throw north of Perth.”

The announcement came with a few enticing renders, and a call to action for friends and future drinkers to help them gather evidence to support their licence application.

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“We fell in love with the building at first sight, its renovation potential is perfect and it has the right “vibe” for us – central enough, but not flashy. Chilled, laid back and green.”

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co Perth

A big part of Rocky Ridge’s brand has been their commitment sustainability, being the only brewery in Australia to achieve 100% Carbon Neutral status and being a Certified Sustainable Operation, something they say will continue at the new Duncraig location.

“In keeping with our values, we will be investing in renewable energy for the Perth Taphouse, with a reduced waste philosophy in everything we do there – from food and food miles, through to our beer and packaging, every step along the way we have done the homework, dotted our i’s and ensured that we remain true to our core values; having the least impact environmentally while making F$^%ing good beer.”

Oh and here’s a little hot tip: They’re launching a new colab beer with Lo-Fi at picabar tomorrow afternoon from 3pm – a margarita-inspired sour called “Margarita Heater”.

You can have your say as part of Rocky Ridge Brewing’s license application via this link, and head to their website for more info.
