Nugs Not Drugs: The Balmoral Is Hosting A Nugget Festival All Weekend

Chicken Nugget Festival
Home >Eat & Drink >Nugs Not Drugs: The Balmoral Is Hosting A Nugget Festival All Weekend

We gotta say we’re a sucker for a fun and silly foodie event happening around town, and so you won’t begrudge us for getting a wee bit excited after stumbling across The Balmoral Hotel’s plans for this weekend.

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The concept is deliciously simple: a Nugget Festival!

Chicken Nugget Burrito

That’s correct; three whole days of nugget-inspired food specials, which would appear to be: “if we can get some chicky nuggs into it, let’s do it”.

We’re talking chicken nugget pizzas, nugget tacos, nugg-loaded fries, nugg burritos… the list goes on.

We don’t have much more to tell you (and to be fair, what else do you need to know), but if you were keen to pair up those sweet, sweet nuggets with some shows, The Bal is a FRINGE WORLD venue and they’ve got some great shows lined up over the weekend.

The fest has already begun, and runs through until Sunday – head to The Balmoral Hotel Website for more info.