Perth Is OK! Staff Picks: Our Favourite Sandwiches

Perth Is OK! Staff Picks: Our Favourite Sandwiches, Peggy's, Fremantle
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We consider sandwiches the great unifier… Except when it comes to our office. We’re guilty of getting into some pretty heated arguments about our favourite spots to get stuff-between-bread, with some strong contenders below:

Blake Kelleway, Creative Director/Founder

The Peoples Cafeteria Conti.

The paradox of choice is real.

Sometimes trying to select from a buffet of ingredients can be overwhelming and the next thing you know if you’ve succumbed to the social pressure of a fast-paced line and pieced together an inharmonious roll.

Sometimes… well, you need to leave your lunchtime fate in the hands of the sandwich experts.

-A good slather of butter
-A trio of leg ham, sopressa & mortadella from Bicton’s P. Princi Butchers  
-Swiss cheese
-Lettuce, tomato, pickle
-House aioli
All between a delectable baguette from Big Loaf Bakery.

The basics – done right.

Perth Is OK! Staff Picks: Our Favourite Sandwiches, Peoples Cafeteria, Northbridge

Shops 5 and 6, 375 William Street, Perth

Ebony Lane, Social Media Manager 

I’ve been deprived of glutenous goods for years now, but Strange Grains Bakery ease this pain with the best (Gluten Free) bread in Perth. Imagine a loaf so soft it could fool even the most avid wheat lover.

These guys whip up a killer selection of fresh sandwich combinations daily! The shop is based in Shenton Park, and their supplies are stocked all over WA.

Perth Is OK! Staff Picks: Strange Grains, Shenton Park

197 Onslow Road, Shenton Park 

Sally Hall, Cultural Editor

We rave a lot about North Street Store here at Perth Is OK!, and I’ve got to admit – I’m guilty of a lot of it. These guys have the magic touch when it comes to most things, but my heart will always go back to the very first thing I ever ordered from their Cott store, all those years ago: the porchetta roll. On their signature baguette, it’s meaty, herby, and pretty much perfect.

Perth Is OK! Staff Picks: Our Favourite Sandwiches, North Street Store, Cottesloe

16 North Street, Cottesloe

Luke Whelan, Business Development/Founder

Luke’s recipe for Perth’s best sandwich:

1 x main street Cornerstore Freo Location (where else?)
A handful of trendlord friendly staff
A generous helping of delicious fresh-baked sandwiches & subs to choose from
50+ hungry punters waiting for their fill on a weekend morning

The result? Peggy’s on Market St in Fremantle. I do have a major complaint though – on my first visit to this sando Mecca my tastebuds were treated to what can only be called the holy grail of sandwich – The Cubano. Mere mortals do not have the words to aptly describe such a transcendental delicacy so I won’t bother but to say that this combination of marinated pork, fresh panini, cheese, pickle and mustard will stay with me until my dying day.

Peggy’s. If you’re reading this. We’re still cool but I implore you to let common sense prevail and bring back the glorious Cubano.

Yours expectingly,

Perth Is OK! Staff Picks: Our Favourite Sandwiches, Peggy's, Fremantle

35 Market Street, Fremantle

Troy Mutton, Editor-in-Chief

Well it was Picabar’s Club Sanga until they took it off the menu, but as someone who understands change is important, I seek to move on. An old faithful that I haven’t had the pleasure of indulging in recently is the chicken schnitty roll at Evropa Continental Deli in North Perth. Simple, super fresh ingredients and their mayo has a little extra kick in it andddd… Now I’m hungry.

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Perth Is OK! Staff Picks: Our Favourite Sandwiches, Evropa. North Perth

Shop 5, North Perth Plaza, 391 Fitzgerald Street, North Perth

Casey Edmonds, Accounts Manager

I’ll take any excuse to stop in at Peggy’s for their amazing chicken schnitty. The crumbed chicken is super crispy, the shredded lettuce so fresh, the dill mayo so creamy, and that freshly baked sesame roll is absolutely off the charts good!

35 Market Street, Fremantle

Header image: Peggy’s