The best spots to go strawberry picking around Perth this spring

Strawberry Picking Perth
Home >Eat & Drink >The best spots to go strawberry picking around Perth this spring

The sun’s finally come out (well, almost), and you’ve already conquered all the walks, day-trips, and watering holes around Perth? Lucky you, it’s coming up on peak strawberry-pickin’ time!

Below are a few great options to get you started, but remember it’s a highly seasonal business, so we recommend hitting them up beforehand just to double check when they’re open. And remember to slip, slop, slap!

Ti Farm’s Pick Your Own Strawberries

Ti Farm is open from Friday through Sunday once those berries are ripe for the picking (make sure to check their Facebook for when the season starts, usually around October/November). It’ll set you back $10 per tray (about 5kg worth!) and it’s $2 per head entry – including all the strawberries you’ll be snacking on while you pick! Just make sure you remember to bring cash.

Perth's Best Strawberry Picking, Ti Farm, Bullsbrook

263 Old West Rd, Bullsbrook

Lena Strawberry Farm

About half-an-hour out of Perth, Lena Strawberry Farm are open to pick-your-own (PYO) only on selected weekends. $15 per tray, entry is free – which of course includes lots of snacking along the way! If you want to mix it up, they sometimes offer another PYO variety – so you can half and half your box.  Your best bet is to keep an eye on their Facebook to find out when they’re open this season.

Perth's Best Strawberry Picking, Lena Strawberry Farm, Anketell

1021 Thomas Rd, Anketell

Hoang Le’s Strawberries

Only a short trip northeast of Perth, Hoang Le’s rock some of the best strawberries going around – plus some great deals for any jam-makers out there. It’s still pretty early in the season so they’ve only got punnets to buy at the moment, but keen an eye on their Facebook to see when they open the farm up to the public (usually around December). Last season, picking was $10 per box, with no entry fee.

Perth's Best Strawberry Picking, Hoang Le's Strawberries, Wanneroo

120 Trichet Rd, Wanneroo

Kien’s Strawberry Farm

This family-run business has been operating for over 20 years, so you know you’ll only be getting the freshest in the west. One of the first open this season, boxes are $15 and will keep you going for an age. They can also be bought pre-loaded – but where’s the fun in that? As always, we recommend you keep an eye on their Facebook page to double check their opening times.

Perth's Best Strawberry Picking, Kien's Strawberry Farm, Gnangara

Lot 11, 360 Badgerup Rd, Gnangara

Sue & Tim’s Fresh Farms

Sue & Tim’s out in Wanneroo unfortunately isn’t open for picking juuuuust yet, but one gander at their Facebook and you’ll be heading out there anyway, we reckon! As well as juicy strawberries, these guys also grow plenty of other delicious fresh goodies, so you can keep your fridge well-stocked. Last season’s picking was only $10 per box with no entry fee – make sure you bring cash.

Perth's Best Strawberry Picking, Sue and Tim's Fresh Farms, Wanneroo

157 Badgerup Rd, Wanneroo

Wanneroo Strawberry Picking Farms

For delicious strawberries, you’ve gotta hit up Wanneroo Strawberry Picking Farms. While they haven’t opened for this season just yet, we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for when we can stop by for their $15/box weekend picking sessions.

375 Badgerup Road, Wanneroo

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My Strawberry Farm

We’ll be keeping a close eye on My Strawberry Farm‘s season’s start: one of the best value farms for PYO strawberries, they only charged $7 per box last year. As well as succulent strawbs, you can also often get your hands on some refreshing honey melons, rockmelons, blueberries and more from their shed. Delish!

Perth's Best Strawberry Picking, My Strawberry Farm, Gnangara

Lot 71 Stoney Road, Gnangara

H&N Strawberries

Just one look at H&N Strawberries‘ juicy red goodness will have you jumping straight in the car to get to the Gnangara farm. Open from 8AM until sold out, boxes are $15 each – but you can also swing past for one of their huge pre-picked boxes for $25 (as well as heaps more delicious local produce that often includes blueberries, oranges, garlic, ginger, avocados, mangoes and cucumber).

Pick Your Own Strawberries Perth, H&N Strawberries, Gnangara

44 Joyce Road, Gnangara

Header Image Credit: Ti Farm’s Pick Your Own Strawberries