We Met The Cold Nips Crew, Who Are Organising A Huge Iso Dip Tomorrow Morning

Home >Events >We Met The Cold Nips Crew, Who Are Organising A Huge Iso Dip Tomorrow Morning

Over the past couple of months you’ve probably had a friend or two on socials sharing their early morning beach swims with a lot of other people.

It’s called Cold Nips (we’ll let you figure that out), and it’s the brainchild of a couple of Perth blokes, Ryan and Jian, looking to bring people together through the healthy, wholesome and sometimes freezing cold activity of early morning beach swims.

Of course in our current 2020, large public gatherings are definitely NOT a vibe, so Cold Nips have hatched a plan to keep the good vibes going, while maintaining self isolation and social distancing.

And so tomorrow morning, Wednesday 21 April, at 6.30am they’re asking the cold nips crew out there to jump in on a massive Zoom meeting while jumping under some icey cool water.

We’ll let Jian give you a little more insight into why having cold nips is good for you, and what they’re planning tomorrow:

First up, can you give us a bit of background on the Cold Nips team – who are you and what inspired the concept?

Hey hey! Firstly we’re Ryan and Jian. Cold Nips all started when the two of us ironically fell in love with all the good feels of a morning dip. It was the middle of last year, yup bang in winter, when we started a weekly routine of plunging into the ocean, sipping a coffee after and having some life chats. Our dip days quickly became our favourite, when after a few weeks we thought, “why don’t we try share some of these good vibes?”

Can you tell us a bit about the concept behind cold dips (in the ocean, showers wherever), and the kind of health benefits people can get from it?

Cold water has so many benefits! It’s also a pretty accessible activity for a lot of people. Without getting too scientific because we at Cold Nips don’t really delve into the deepness, its most beneficial ability is reducing inflammation which all round makes you feel better. We learnt its amplified when you add a bit of connection and high vibes, and the result is pretty crazy!

It seems like it’s really taken off around Perth, we can’t imagine it’s just the jumping into some cold water that gets people excited – what do you think draws people down in the kind of numbers you’ve been getting?

Ultimately, we put it down to two things. The first being the thing so many people don’t quite have enough of in their life: Connection. Our crew is generally aged 18-30 and for there to be a place other than the standard night out scene to meet and have fun with people is rare. The second is the vibe! Life is about having fun and being yourself. We made a point to make these mornings a good time where anyone feels welcome!

You’ve wisely put Cold Nips on the backburner for the time being, tell us a bit about what you have planned on Wednesday morning?

We want as much as anyone for things to return to as they were… So after being absent for a few weeks we thought, ‘How can we keep the spirit alive?’ Especially in these days where connection and fun is a little harder to find. This Wednesday we want to do something we’re pretty sure has never been done before – a virtual dip! At 6:30am This Wednesday 22nd our goal is to connect hundreds of people through a zoom video call! We’re encouraging people keep to social distancing and dip at home, so we’ve made our top picks of how that can be done. It can all be found on our facebook and Instagram. It’s going to be different and a little strange, but hey most things are at the moment. We hope people can jump on board, get create and have some fun!

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If people are looking for a bit more info on the benefits of cold showers, dips in the ocean and stuff, is there anywhere we can point them?

This video basically explains it all and a lot of the deeper meaning behind Cold Nips:

And have you been able to plan much for once life starts to return to some kind of normal?

Oh we’re dreamers! Our mission is to connect and pass on as much positive vibes to as many people as possible with this little movement. So while returning to normal still feels like a distant time, we’ve got some big plans brewing for when it does. Until then, it’ll have to be virtually!

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