Friends! The Musical Parody Is Heading To Perth

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Ah the ‘90s. Such a beautifully simple time… No social media. No handheld screens dominating our lives. And you could afford to live in a New York apartment on your palaeontology professor salary, being a struggling actor, working part time in a coffee shop… or whatever the hell it was Phoebe did.

As millenials it’s our God-given right to long for a time when week nights were spent hanging out with Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Ross and Joey as they traversed relationship struggles and celebrity cameos on any given day.

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Well long no more, as Friends! The Musical Parody makes its way down under from Las Vegas and New York for a special run of shows, hitting Perth’s Regal Theatre on October 3.

The musical and comedy show follows the spectacular six navigating life, work and love, plucking all your favourite moments from the TV show’s massively popular decade-long run.

The story begins with a typical day lazing around on the couches of the Central Perk coffee shop, before a runaway bride enters the frame and pulls the gang right out of second gear.

Tickets go on sale today (Friday 7 February), head to FRIENDSMUSICAL.COM.AU to nab yours.