The Massive Garage Sail Trail Returns To Perth This November 21 & 22

Home >Events >The Massive Garage Sail Trail Returns To Perth This November 21 & 22

Not even COVID-19 could slow down Australia’s largest community and sustainability event as the Garage Sail Trail returns for its 10th year later this month.

Going down November 21 and 22, it’s powered by over 115 councils around the country with a strong focus on sustainability and the re-use of household items – rather than just chucking them out.

In a year where our health and economy have taken such a massive hit a community event like this feels like just the ticket, and has the potential to earn a few bucks for those that need it.

Organisers are projecting more than 2million items to go up for sale (and thus diverted from landfill) across 16K+ sales around Australia.

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You can still join in the fun too, with FREE registrations open for households, schools, community groups and local businesses at

In a first for the event, there’ll also be an online option to aid with COVID-19 restrictions and keeping people safer.

“Despite our focus rightly being shifted towards the pandemic, the issue of waste hasn’t gone away. In fact, COVID-19 has clearly  demonstrated our impact on the planet and proven that with a little teamwork, we can achieve great things,” said Garage Sale Trail Co-Founder Andrew Valder.

“Garage Sale Trail is an awesome way to make some extra cash in these trying times. My hot tip is to come up with a really fun name or theme for your sale – the sellers that go to town with marketing are the ones that really bring home the bacon!”

For more information on where the sales are at or to register for your own, head to the Garage Sail Trail WEBSITE.