WA’s Iconic Leeuwin Ship Is Setting Sail For Shark Bay, And Is On The Hunt For Some Adventure-Ready Crewmates

Home >Events >WA’s Iconic Leeuwin Ship Is Setting Sail For Shark Bay, And Is On The Hunt For Some Adventure-Ready Crewmates

If you’ve got passion for adventure that includes sailing high seas rich with marine wildlife, there is an incredibly unique opportunity coming up in a very special part of WA this April.

Western Australia’s iconic sailing ship, the STS Leeuwin II, is setting sail for a 5-day journey around Monkey Mia in Shark Bay.

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Listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991 and part of Australia’s National Heritage List in 2007, we don’t need to remind you of what a special part of the world this is (although here’s a little refresher if you need it).

And we can’t think of a more thrilling way to experience it than on board the fully working, three-masted sail training ship that is the Leeuwin.

While on board you’ll be fully involved in the sailing process, part of hands-on activities like:

  • Navigating the ship and taking the helm
  • Setting and furling the sails
  • Climbing the masts and working aloft
  • Standing watch while sailing through the night 

The voyage sets sail from Monkey Mia on April 24 before returning April 28, and is open to anyone over the age of 18.

So future Masters & Commanders, it’s over to you – head to the Leeuwin Ocean Adventure WEBSITE for more info and to book now.