You Can Now Climb Perth’s Matagarup Bridge, With Zip-Lining Soon To Follow

Home >Events >You Can Now Climb Perth’s Matagarup Bridge, With Zip-Lining Soon To Follow

Despite its troubled history in terms of actually getting built, it’s pretty fair to say Perth has grown to love the Matagarup Bridge since construction (finally) finished mid-July of 2018.

The suspension pedestrian bridge makes for a delightful walk over to Optus Stadium from East Perth on game day (and equally fun on the way back as long as your team wins), and now you’ll be able to experience it a very different way.

As of today, January 26, you can now do a special Matagarup Bridge climb right up to the SkyView deck, an open-air viewing platform 72m above the Swan River.

It’s no walk in the park either – it’s a demanding 314-step trip that goes on a 45-degree angle, with some tight spots to slide and squeeze through.

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What we’re saying is you’ll have to earn those views!

For the time being the bridge is only open for climbs with a standard day time climb, along with more expensive sunset and full moon options.

Soon though you’ll also be able to zip-line your way back down, with construction on that aspect of the attraction looking at a March completion.

Until then we recommend you hit the Zip + Climb WEBSITE if you want an exciting new view of Perth and its surrounds.

Cover image: Supplied.