Telethon Outdoor Cinema Is Hosting An Audience Participation Screening Of Rocky Horror Next Week

We’re spoilt for choice when it comes to great outdoor cinemas around Perth, and Telethon’s Community Cinemas are up there with the best of ’em.
Not only are they found at four beautiful venues around Perth, they’re also the only charity cinema in Perth with all proceeds going to Telethon Kids (even the workers are all volunteers).
They’ve always got a great program running, but February 5 will see a special event taking over their Burswood location – an audience participation screening of cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show!
We’re talking an outdoor cinema full of men dressed as women, women dressed as lingerie models, lingerie models dressed as aliens, people dressed entirely in glow-sticks and who knows what else?!
The screening has become a cult institution in its own right, regularly selling out over the past five years.
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Hosted by Manuao teAotonga as the film’s iconic lead Frank-N-Furter, Manuao will guide the audience through a night of fun and frivolity.
Costumes are of course strongly encouraged, although you can also purchase special Frankenfurter packages that’ll have all you need to get amongst it on the night.
For more information and to book your tickets head to the Telethon Community Cinemas WEBSITE now, and here’s the trailer just to refresh your memory:
Image courtesy 20th Century Fox.