Coogee Jetty to Jetty Swim

Coogee Jetty to Jetty Swim
DateMarch 11 2023
Time10:45 PM - 10:00 AM
Coogee BeachCoogee
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The Coogee Jetty to Jetty Swim is a part of the WOW Swim Series and offers a unique opportunity for ocean swimmers of all abilities from experienced open water swimmers to social swimmers and beginners. This event is also, know as one of the most enjoyable family-oriented open water swims in Western Australia. Swimmer’s can choose from three swim distances; a 250m, 750m and 1500m ocean swim in the safe waters of Coogee Beach. Swim along with Daphne the Duck and her friends, and enjoy a traditional ‚Äújetty to jetty’ swim in the special family atmosphere. Throughout the day there will also be lots of spot prizes and giveaways for those lucky.