Empty Bowls 2022 for Foodbank WA

Empty Bowls 2022 for Foodbank WA
DateAugust 21 2022
Time3:00 AM - 6:00 AM
Christ Church Grammar SchoolClaremont
More Information

Help fill a bowl for someone in need, by filling your own. White Peacock Studios are proud to be hosting Empty Bowls with donations going to Foodbank WA to help fight hunger in Western Australia. Potters across WA have created and donated wonderful bowls that are up for sale. When you purchase a bowl, you not only get to take it home but you’ll receive a free serving of soup and bread! Last year Empty Bowls raised over $21,000, which is 42,000 meals for West Aussies in need.

Foodbank is the largest food relief charity in WA, they provide and distribute food to over 400 charity organisations that provide direct hunger relief to the public. Bowls are $25 with all proceeds going to Foodbank WA. Entertainment and Live Auction items are up for grabs!

*Please note bookings close Friday, 19 August 2022 at 9am. Limited spots available, so get in quick!


11am - 12pm

12pm - 1pm

1pm - 2pm

Contact Details:

Empty Bowls: emptybowlsperth.com


Potters make and donate bowls to the event. Tickets are purchased through Try Booking via Foodbank website for $25. With the ticket they can choose one or more handmade bowls which are displayed on a long table, fill it with hot soup and some bread and then take their bowl home. This takes place over 3 sittings, 11am, 12pm and 1pm.

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