End Game: Adaptation, Regeneration & Strategies for Survival

DateDecember 09 2021
Time6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
LocationWA Museum Boola BardipPerth

In WA Museum Boola Bardip’s final conversation in the Tipping Point series, they invite panelists to unpack their “endgame” strategies for survival, adaptation and regeneration imagining what we may face over the coming decades in a warming world. How will our children adapt to a world that is two degrees, three degrees, or four degrees warmer? What MUST our cities look like? What can we do NOW to avoid the most extreme consequences of global warming? Series curator and facilitator Meri Fatin is joined by CSIRO’s Executive Director of Future Industries Kirsten Rose, Nyoongar poet and researcher Dr Cass Lynch and conservationist Jess Beckerling from the WA Forrest Alliance. In Conversation will be held on Level Three of WA Museum Boola Bardip, entrance from James Street Mall through the undercroft. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. A licensed bar is available throughout the event.

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