Intro to Poi, Staff and Silk Veil Fans Short Courses at The Flow Shed

DateJuly 16 2022
Time9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
LocationThe Flow ShedMariginiup

Want to get into Poi, Staff or Fans and don’t know where to start? Want to attend Spunout and jump right into the imtermediate classes and skip the beginner sessions? There are 3 separate courses set over a 4 week period, designed for complete beginners in Poi, Staff and Silk Veil Fans! We will cover basic techniques to give you a good foundation, then build on that knowledge each week to give you a taste of all the possibilities that these props can offer!

The start date is Saturday 16th July, and will run each Saturday for 1.5hrs for a period of 4 weeks.
Staff: 9am
Poi: 11am
Veil Fans: 1pm

Please arrive 15 mins prior to the start time. Props provided.

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