Maria, Marlene and Me

DateJune 22 2022 - June 23 2022
Time6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
LocationHis Majesty's TheatrePerth

Brigitte Heuser shares the stories and songs of two stars of the 20th Century: Maria Callas and Marlene Dietrich. In this genre-busting cabaret, Heuser covers an extreme range from opera to movie hits and cabaret, while exploring the fascinating off-stage lives of these two divas whose artistry continues to inspire today. Brigitte Heuser has performed opera, concert, cabaret across Europe and Australasia. She is now a principal artist with West Australian Opera and was the star of their sell-out season of The Barber of Seville in 2021. Brigitte has always straddled genres in her career and was inspired to write this cabaret before the pandemic. Passionate for intimate and engaging performance, she merges her favorite musical genres and heroes into one show. This show moves, entertains, and inspires!

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