Martumili Artists Exhibition

Martumili Artists Exhibition
Arts & Culture
DateFebruary 23 2024
Time4:00 AM - 7:00 AM
Japingka Art GalleryFremantle
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Artworks from Martumili Art centre are sourced from seven remote communities including Jigalong, Punmu, Kunawarritji, Parnngurr, Irrungadji, Warralong and Parnpajinya (Newman).

The artists are traditional owners for tracts of country in the Great Sandy Desert, Gibson Desert, Little Sandy Desert and Karlamilyi (Rudall River) region. The art centre is based in Newman in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia. Martu artists express their traditional ties to country and the kinship groups who continue to pass down cultural knowledge embedded in the lands that their ancestors have inhabited.

Eighteen artists have contributed to this exhibition including Nancy Nyanjilpayi Chapman, Yikartu Bumba, Lorna Linmurra, Elizabeth Toby and May Mayiwalku Chapman. The exhibition is presented in association with Martumili Artists.