Moving beyond crisis: How youth mental health research can build a better future

Moving beyond crisis: How youth mental health research can build a better future
Sport & FitnessWorkshops & Classes
DateNovember 09 2023
Time9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
State Library of Western AustraliaPerth
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Embrace @ Telethon Kids Institute, in partnership with Rio Tinto, invites you to a free public panel discussion on permacrisis and the mental health of young people.

Join us for a key note address from Embrace Co-Director and childhood trauma researcher Professor Helen Milroy AM, alongside young people based in WA and leading mental health researchers.

We’ll explore the pressures young people face from infancy to adolescence, and the potential solutions posed by research.

Complimentary refreshments will be provided for attendees and speakers at the end of the event.