DateJanuary 21 2023
Time9:45 PM
LocationThe Blue Room TheatrePerth

The experimental-classical musicians of the Resonant Fields Ensemble team up with contemporary dancers and live animation to pull you into another world where music and movement become one, and noise manifests as physical beings before us. NOISEROOM presents an ethereal narrative that weaves together both physical & the abstract, the tangible & the platonic, sound & space. This production explores what happens when contrasting art forms interlace on a common stage. Come and explore the possibilities of live-realised art, where no two performances are ever the same!

NOISEROOM is the culmination of 3 experimental art practices working together in perfect harmony through mutually responsive performance. From violins and saxophones to electronic tape decks, the Resonant Fields musicians deliver ambient and avant-garde sound worlds through cohesive, informed improvisation. Explorative dance vivifies and whisks the stage into motion, while live-adapted, audio-responsive projections light up the room into a spectral feast for the eyes.

Resonant Fields is an experimental music initiative based in Perth/Boorloo premised upon celebrating and performing exploratory and improvisational music. The full ensemble is comprised of over 20 professional musicians of diverse instrumental and artistic practice. Their music inhabits ambient, avant-garde, and experimental sound-worlds, generated through sessions of collaborative, long-form improvisation. Resonant Fields has previously performed with the WA KickstART Festival, Goolugatup Sounds, Hidden Treasures Fremantle, The UWA Music Students’ Society, Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, FLOCK Festival, and the WA Maritime Museum.

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