FLOCK FESTIVAL | OPEN SOUL with Solomon Pitt + Elise Lynelle

FLOCK FESTIVAL | OPEN SOUL with Solomon Pitt + Elise Lynelle
DateOctober 04 2022
Time11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
PigeonholePerth CBD
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Hosted by Ellington Residents - Solomon Pitt & Elise Lynelle, this special open mic jam with a live house band calls for musos of RnB, Neo Soul, and Jazz to the front stage. Watch the performance or be the performance. Bring your instrument or bring your voice. Sign up on the night! Doors open at 6:30pm.


Two of Perth’s best vocal creatives, Solomon and Elise prove some of the best musical experiences are born from moments of impromptu magic. Their unique jam sessions captivate you in a live and unscripted manner, creating a one-of-a-kind performance not to be missed.

This event is part of FLOCK FESTIVAL, a 31 day showcase of WA Creativity & Culture in October 2022 in celebration of Pigeonhole's 15th Anniversary. PIGEONHOLE is a retail store established in Perth in 2007 celebrating friendship and curating beautiful things that bring joy to you and those you love. For updates on Flock Festival 2022 follow us at @pigeonholeperth.