SATB Up Down Left Right

DateJanuary 20 2023 - January 21 2023
Time8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
LocationState Theatre CentrePerth

Presented by The Baden Street Singers and State of Play: Press START and begin the a cappella odyssey… The demise of a plumber (for the 83rd time) from a poorly-timed controller input. Five hours of level-grinding lost to the void as a sibling trips on a power cable. An untouched biology assignment sits in wait as a masterpiece replica of King’s Landing is forged from pixelated blocks. And all the while, the grandiose tune of the Dragonborn theme resides rent-free in your mind, repeating in an endless loop.

The Baden Street Singers know this narrative all too well.

Dust off those memory cards and free up some space for a new save file – it’s time to jump up and grab coins with The Baden Street Singers as they perform a cappella renditions of the best musical moments in video games, from epic role-playing games to hilarious internet memes.

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