Susie Vickery: Peregrinations Of A Citizen Botanist

Peregrinations of a Citizen Botanist is an immersive and finely crafted installation by Susie Vickery which takes the form of a cabinet of curiosities, charting the journey of the 18th Century French botanist Jacques-Julien Houtou de Labillardière, who came to Western Australia in 1792 on the ship Recherche, captained by Bruni d’Entrecasteaux. Vickery presents an alternative history of Labillardière’s journey, with the botanist gradually shedding his preconceptions as he encounters a rich and ancient land where his language and assumptions about the world fall away. At a time of accelerating climate crisis, this exhibition invites viewers to reflect on our relationships with home, history and environment, and by imagining an alternative past, to think creatively about possible futures.
This project has been made possible through the Regional Exhibition Touring Boost managed by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries, supported by Royalties for Regions and delivered by ART ON THE MOVE. The Act-Belong-Commit Engagement Program presented by ART ON THE MOVE is sponsored by Healthway promoting the Act-Belong-Commit health message.
27 August 2022 to 15 October 2022 / Wednesday to Saturday 10am-4pm