UWA’s Raising The Bar 2021
The University of WA is bringing the brains to your next night out, with a series of talks taking place across five bars for one night only. Raising The Bar is a global event, aiming to make higher education a part of the city’s culture, with 11 of UWA’s highly esteemed academics presenting their research in a fun and accessible way across five of our favourite drinking holes.
Get informed while enjoying a pint at Varsity Northbridge, The Globe, Stables, Durty Nelly’s or The Shoe, and maybe even get inspired to get back to uni yourself! Topics will run the gamut, from exploring who food delivery gig workers are with Dr Caleb Goods, a discussion around the attitudes towards Aboriginal English with Ms Glenys Collard and Dr Celeste Rodriguez Louro, or even a spicy discussion on adult retailing with Associate Professor Paul J. Maginn – to name just a few.
To find out more about the talks on offer and to grab your tickets hit the MORE INFO above.