Vison Board Workshop

Inspiring event alert! We're halfway into January and be honest, who has already given up on their new years resolutions? How would you feel, if for once you can stick to them? There are many ways to help keep you consistent and accountable but the most FUN way, is making a VISIONBOARD! On 28th of January 1pm there is a VISION BOARD WORKSHOP!
Now, you might not know why you need a workshop for this, I mean everyone can make a visionboard right? There is a reason though, some people feel like a visionboard doesn't actually work! Because it's a whole lot more than just putting pretty pictures on a piece of paper. Did you know that your unconscious brain is actually in charge of your dreams and aspirations? And that we need that to help make your visionboard? It's going to be a inspiring, creative and super fun afternoon you can not miss!
Tickets are just $25 and you get all the materials required PLUS nibbles and drinks!
See you there!
-X- Rebecca Krawczuk & Alka Tiessink