Vólta Exhibition

Volta Exhibition
DateOctober 27 2021
Time10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
LocationThere Is GalleryPerth

If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration and discovering the extraordinary in the every day, Vólta is a stunning new exhibition from Perth-based photographer George Vavakis on display at There Is Gallery until October 30. Reflecting both his heritage and approach to image taking, Vólta is a Greek word meaning work or stroll, something Vavakis does with a camera to spectacular result.

Wandering around the suburbs of Perth, George searches for the beautiful and unusual amongst the ordinary, transforming everyday environments and inviting viewers to imagine and create the wider context of the images he presents: “My focus is on the formal elements of design and photography, and through a strict use of the grid system, I seek to create images that blur the lines between photography and graphic abstraction.”

The exhibition coincides with the launch of an online print store, with all works available for purchase on Hahnemühle fine art paper in editions of 25. Shipping is available.

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