Save Karijini petition calls for halt to iron ore project

A petition has called on public support to halt a planned iron ore mine on the doorstep of Karijini National Park.
According to the Save Karijini petition created by the Wintawari Guruma Aboriginal Corporation (who represent the Muntulgura Guruma people), Equinox Resources’ Hamersley Iron Ore Project is scheduled to begin before the end of the year.
Situated in the heart of the Pilbara, the mine will be located near the north-west edge of Karijini, near Hamersley Gorge.
While the project falls under a granted Mining Lease and an existing Native Title Agreement, significant concerns have been raised about the mine’s impact on the fragile ecology of the region, sacred indigenous sites and eco-tourism in the area.

“This area is a vital source of ground and surface water that nourishes Hamersley Gorge,” states the petition.
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“In Muntulgura Guruma country, natural billabongs and waterholes are damaged beyond repair. Giant mines tear the land to pieces. Haul roads and access roads disrupt the ecology of the region.”
“Our sacred country enchants travellers with unspoiled landscapes and rich cultural heritage. It invites people on a journey through time where the ancient traditions of our people meet the curiosity of visitors from around the world.”
“We want to preserve what unspoiled country we have left for future generations.”
“We want to protect the great cultural significance of the landscape, the unique ecology of the region, and the stunning natural beauty of the area – for us and for the two hundred thousand visitors who come to admire the beauty of Karijini each year.”
Cover image credit: Karijini Eco Retreat