Meet the Club Shakas crew, the female-run surfing group where “fun comes first.”

Club Shakas Perth
Home >Lifestyle >Meet the Club Shakas crew, the female-run surfing group where “fun comes first.”

It takes something truly special to lure you out of bed, especially when it’s well before the crack of dawn.

It could be the pure adrenaline rush from surfing or the magic of watching the sun rise while you’re in the ocean… And for a growing tribe of Perth girls, it’s also friendships and camaraderie.

They’re part of the Club Shakas movement, a female-run surfing group aimed at getting more women into the water.

They hit the coast twice a week, meeting up for a sunrise surf before grabbing a coffee after.

“Fun comes first and perfection is thrown out the window,” says Club Shakas co-founder Jahney Smith (pictured below), who we catch up with on a particularly chilly July morning at south Trigg.

Club Shakas Jahney Smith

It started with a few girls who wanted to give it a go but felt intimidated: “It was a group of us having coffee when one of them said, ‘I want to go surfing.’ We thought, power in numbers and went out together.”

She says unfortunately they did face a bit of hostility, but instead of backing off, they used it as a driving force.

“For women getting into the sport of surfing there are a lot of barriers and intimidation… But Club Shakas Communities works to remove these barriers by providing an encouraging and supportive environment.”

“The first time we got told that if we got out the guy would buy us a coffee. We were met with some hostility but loved it so much that we kept going and encouraged more women to come along.”

Club Shakas Perth

They also team up with local brands to provide discounts on wetsuits and boards: “I think it’s the excitement of all the girls being there and just the fun and the camaraderie. When you’re out there together it’s pretty special,” Jahney says.

“It’s for all ages, all skill levels. It doesn’t matter if you’re on your belly, your knees, if you’re standing or just watching.”

And while the numbers drop off in winter, there’s still a brave few souls who dive in each week: “We can get anywhere from four girls to 40 girls…from teenagers to women in their mid-60s.”

Sophie James-Ross (pictured below) hadn’t surfed for more than 10 years when she was warmly welcomed by the others.

“Club Shakas made me get into surfing again,” she says. “I just love the can-do attitude of the girls getting out in the water, especially when you wake up in the morning at 5am.”

Club Shakas Perth (Sophie James-Ross)

“Everyone’s a cheerleader, everyone encourages you to catch the wave and when you do everyone’s really excited… If you were on your own maybe you wouldn’t go, but because you’re committed to the club you get there and then you get to see a beautiful sunrise in the morning, in the ocean, surfing with the girls, ” Sophie says.

“It’s a lovely atmosphere, really exciting, whenever someone gets a wave we all cheer and clap.”

The Club Shakas WA community meets up on Tuesdays and Thursdays, mainly at a spot just south of Trigg Beach – find out more here.

They’ve since expanded to the Gold Coast, and also host regular surf camps, and they’re teaming up with Breast Cancer Research Centre WA to break a world record for the largest surf paddle-out.

It’s part of a fundraiser for cancer research, and they need 513 to beat the record – find out more and get involved here.

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Club Shakas Perth

Jahney Smith says this is a community where women help you stand up, laugh with you when you fall and always ask if you’re ok when you wipeout, both in and out of the surf.

“If you’re keen to get involved I suggest taking the plunge and coming to a free community surf. You will be greeted by our surf leader who will ensure you feel safe and know what’s going on, and you’ll have heaps of fun catching some whitewash and enjoying the thrill of surfing…

“All you need is a board, a wetty, and a few bucks for coffee. The rest will come – friendships, catching waves, and the feel good vibes of being part of an inclusive community.”

Head to or @clubshakas_wa_community for more info on how to get involved!

Image Credit: Lee Steele