Spectacular, Spectacular! Gift The Spellbinding Experience Of Moulin Rouge! The Musical This Christmas

Moulin Rouge! The Musical Perth
Home >Lifestyle >Spectacular, Spectacular! Gift The Spellbinding Experience Of Moulin Rouge! The Musical This Christmas

If you’re anything like us, it’s around about this time every year that you start breaking into a cold sweat. All of a sudden, our friends and families seem like strangers… What do they even like?! Do they have any hobbies?! Don’t even get us started on Secret Santas.

Not this year, though. This year we’re as cool as cucumbers, feet up, enjoying the festive season without a care in the world, knowing we have absolutely nailed our gifts.

That’s because this year, spoiler alert, just about everyone we know will be getting tickets to Moulin Rouge! The Musical!

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Moulin Rouge! The Musical Perth

Coming to Crown Theatre in February, Moulin Rouge! The Musical is imbued with all the glitz, glamour and spectacle of Baz Luhrmann’s 2001 film – but this time it’s live and in the flesh!

Of course, flesh isn’t used by accident here – expect plenty of raunchy and racy business at the Moulin Rouge.

Working closely with Baz, the stage production was over a decade in the making and builds on all the sumptuous sauciness of the film – from the iconic use of pop songs (the show features over 70 songs across 160 years of music!) to the extravagantly grand sets. Once you see both the scale and intricacy of the Tony Award-winning design, you’ll be transported to a world of Bohemian excess and romance, helmed by the powerhouse presence of Alinta Chidzey as Satine.

Moulin Rouge! The Musical Perth

Tickets start at $69 for midweek shows, but you can also go all out and get into the middle of the action with the exclusive Can Can! seats. Literally seated within the stage, you’ll be in the thick of it – getting a look at the stunning sets and performances from as up close as you can get!

Head to the Moulin Rouge! The Musical website to get your tickets and find out more about the music, magic and magnificence!