Look left, look right: Parts of Hay Street in the CBD could revert to a two-way street

Home >Lifestyle >Look left, look right: Parts of Hay Street in the CBD could revert to a two-way street

One of the last sections of one-way street in Perth’s CBD could be reverted to a two-way street thanks to a new council proposal.

A draft proposal to change Hay Street back to a two-way street was passed at a Perth City Council meeting this week.

The proposal shows plans to reconvert the Hay Street thoroughfare between William and Elder streets to a two-way street.

It was way back in 2009 when the Perth City Council implemented a program of roadworks to turn the then numerous one-way roads back into two-way.

Parts of Mount, Beaufort, James and William Streets have all since been reconverted, with Hay Street remaining the sole survivor.

There have been several problems that have come with Hay Street’s one-way traffic flow, as the council report pointed out, including a reduced number of CAT buses using the street, a narrow footpath and poor street tree canopy, and even cars hitting awnings from buildings along the road.

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Within the proposal, the council believe reverting to a two-way street would mean more opportunities for outdoor dining, improve property access and create more bus stops.

Perhaps most importantly though, the changes would mean up to 850 square metres of extra footpath would be available for use.

After the decision was passed on the draft concept plan this week, the council has now opened the proposal to community consultation.

The City of Perth has said it will work to minimise disruption to local businesses while any roadwork is ongoing.

Image credit: Perth City Council