Have You Visited This New High-Tech Health & Wellbeing Studio In West Leedy Yet?

Peak Performance Institute Perth
Home >Lifestyle >Have You Visited This New High-Tech Health & Wellbeing Studio In West Leedy Yet?

Christmas is just around the corner and you know what means? New Year’s ain’t far off, and it’s time to start thinking about new year’s resolutions!

Okay it might be a little early, but hey if you start manifesting now than that might give you a better chance of sticking to your guns when the times comes.

If you’ve got fitness, health and wellbeing on your bingo card for things to do better next year (or even next week), perhaps the just-opened Peak Performance Institute in West Leederville might be of some use?

Peak Performance Institute Perth

This unique, multi-disciplinary health and wellbeing studio caters to all-comers looking take pro-active steps around a healthy mindset, diet and nutrition, efficient injury management, maintenance and programs that build power, strength and conditioning.

“We recognise that the definition of Peak Performance may be different for each and every client and depends on what stage of life they may be, their expectation and the outcome they strive for,” says PPI’s chief practitioner Mark Maddison. “Regardless of what each person requires, through our unique delivery program, we are the right partner to work with.”

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Peak Performance Institute Perth

The team you’ll find at Peak Performance Institute come from a range of backgrounds, including former world champs, elite athletes and health professionals all applying their unique skillsets to some cutting edge technology and programs.

The key services you’ll find at PPI include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Massage Therapy, Podiatry, Exercise Physiology, Psychology and Chiropractic, with ancillary services like:

  • Infra-Red Sauna
  • Running Clinic
  • Cycling Clinic
  • Pilates
  • Ice Bath
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Shockwave Therapy
  • Bulletproof Programs – 12-18 weeks based on condition and expectation – aimed at prevention rather than cure (knees, hips, shoulders, backs) as well as sport-specific Bulletproof Programs for cycling, soccer and fighting.
Peak Performance Institute Perth

“Again and again, we find our clients regardless of their age dealing with the same complaints,” says Maddison. “It is not uncommon that they are told or believe that having ‘back pain’ or ‘knee pain’ is just a normal part of their life…

“Our Bulletproof Programs represent a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to lower back pain, hip and knee pain and shoulder pain – was used to support our clients through such challenging stages in their life and prevent future recurrences (leading to chronic and complex conditions which only become more difficult to manage as time passes).”

PPI is located at 144 Cambridge Street in West Leederville – head to the PPI Website to find out more.