We Had A Chat With Musician Grace Barbé Ahead Of RTRFM’s Springtime Social

RTRFM Springtime Social
Home >Lifestyle >We Had A Chat With Musician Grace Barbé Ahead Of RTRFM’s Springtime Social

We can’t stop saying it, but spring has sprung, baby! We’re frolicking outside, soaking up the sunshine and getting excited for a season of fun – including getting out there and enjoying some live music. 

RTRFM is here to help shake off those winter blues with their upcoming Springtime Social, taking place on Saturday 5 November and featuring a stacked lineup of bands to get you moving, grooving and ready for summer – including the one and only Grace Barbé

Originally hailing from the Seychelles, Grace’s high-energy, Afro-Kreol rhythms merge with psychedelic rock, Afrobeat and reggae to form a sound that is pretty much irresistible. 

Check out our chat with Grace and cop tickets to Springtime Social below:

RTRFM Springtime Social

The sun is finally shining after a pretty long and rainy winter – what are your favourite things to do around Perth once the temperature starts to heat up and spring really sets in?

I love to be at the beach of course. Hanging out at cafes and people watching. Anything outdoors and making sure I’m getting that vitamin D! 

How would you describe your relationship with RTRFM, and the role community radio has played in your career?

RTRFM has always supported me as an artist throughout my music career. They play my music constantly and I appreciate the support very much. A great community station and supporter of the arts. The station has some amazing hard working and passionate people making it what it is, and it is vital for the community to keep supporting the station.

How do you feel your sound has changed since releasing your debut album in 2009?

Wow, there has been a lot of growth. Growth in my writing, and as an artist I have matured. The band has evolved into a rocking power three-piece and the dynamics are quite different now. Although the Afro-Kreol flavour has remained, the sound is a lot more rocky, Afro, with lots of guitar sorcery! 

How would you describe the WA musical scene to someone that’s never been to the state?

Unique. Something in the air in WA as far as music is concerned. I’m really proud of WA artists. We produce some amazing acts here despite being isolated from every city in the world. We have our own little hub consisting of some pretty hard working and talented musicians – a diverse group of artists creating some amazing materials.

I suppose the vastness and the space we have here have also contributed to the creativity process. 

Do you have any other local artists that you’d love to recommend? 

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The Southern River Band are one of my favourites to come out of WA, plus Tina Zando is a talent to look out for. 

What do you have coming up for spring and summer – gigs, new releases, other fun projects? 

We have a few releases coming up this summer on our label Afrotropik Records. We’re dropping our new single “Fatige” remixed by GUM & Ginoli of Tame Impala and POND. The track will be available across all streaming platforms Friday, October 28.

Some more very exciting news is that I have joined The Cat Empire on bass and vocals. We have a massive UK and European tour coming up in March 2023 plus several Australian shows this summer. This will be a new project I am very looking forward to being a part of. 

To check out the full lineup (and grab your tickets!) head to the RTRFM website.