WA Labor pledges $2.80 flat fare across Perth public transport network

Perth Transport single zone fares
Home >Lifestyle >WA Labor pledges $2.80 flat fare across Perth public transport network

After some election promises centred around entertainment, transport, and the environment in recent weeks, the WA Government has turned its attention to cost of living with its latest pledge.

Over the weekend Premier Roger Cook announced that a re-elected Labor Government will introduce a new suburban flat fare of $2.80, abolishing the current nine-zone for a far easier to remember, one zone.

Premier Cook said the chance will save regular commuters hundreds of dollars every year.

“This change to public transport fares will deliver genuine cost of living relief to tens of thousands of households across Perth and WA and builds on our range of initiatives to make travel cheaper for Western Australians,” he said.

“We are making public transport more accessible and affordable than ever before, and these changes will encourage more people to jump on the train or bus and reduce congestion on our roads.”

According to Government estimates, there are between 70,000 and 80,000 commuters making in excess of two zone journeys on a typical weekday, and the reforms will save regular users over $600 per year.

As with all public transport initiatives, these reforms will apply for everyone travelling with a SmartRider.

Public transport around Perth has been free (with a SmartRider) over summer as part of the government’s Summer of Free Travel program, which comes to an end on Wednesday 5 February.

This new policy will also extend to TransRegional services in communities including Geraldton, Bunbury, Kalgoorlie and Albany, and would take effect from January 1, 2026, at a cost of $107 million.

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