WA Labor wants to double Perth’s tree cover by 2030, and is offering $150 for your help
The WA Government has announced plans to plant an additional one million trees across the metro area by 2030 – and they need your help.
Premier Roger Cook and Environment Minister Reece Whitby unveiled the ambitious plan as part of a broader initiative to tackle the effects of urban heat, reduce carbon emissions, and make our neighbourhoods more liveable AKA shady.
And part of this is where you can come in via the ‘treebate’ program, encouraging homeowners to bring more greenery to their yards via a $150 rebate if you buy native trees from local nurseries.
“Tree canopies provide so many benefits – they improve our urban environment, cool our suburbs, and support biodiversity,” said Mr Cook. “The Treebate program is just one way we’re helping communities grow a greener future.”
The Treebate is part of the broader Urban Canopy Fund, which the Government says has delivered over 30,000 trees to Perth suburbs like Gosnells, Mandurah, and Wanneroo.
“Doubling Perth’s tree cover is crucial over the next 10 years and coupled with our ‘treebates’, local communities will have the backing and support from a re-elected Cook Labor Government to plant more trees on their own properties,” said Environment Minister Reece Whitby.
““This is a solid step in the right direction when it comes to growing our urban canopy and builds on the efforts the Cook Labor Government has already taken when it comes to making local communities greener, leafier and more liveable in the years to come,” he added.
The election promises are coming thick and fast in the lead-up to the WA State Election on March 8, including a new ferry network on the Swan River, and a supercar circuit on Burswood Park.