Meet Dianella’s Local Doers: Simone Harris from Discover Dianella

Home >Local Doers >Meet Dianella’s Local Doers: Simone Harris from Discover Dianella

We like to bang on about how great (or rather, OK!) Perth is – but our greatness doesn’t just happen out of nowhere!

With a mission to create thriving, connected and empowered communities, Town Team Movement is all about “doers”.

We’re partnering up with Town Team Movement so we can shine a light on some of the people who help make our communities so unique, and just a few of the excellent initiatives they’re working on.

This week, we’re featuring Simone Harris, one of the brains behind Discover Dianella, one of Dianella’s local Town Teams.

Could you please start by introducing yourself in a few sentences?

I’m Simone Harris, a long-time resident of Dianella, where I also serve as a deputy school principal. My dedication to children and community led me to spearhead initiatives aimed at enhancing our local area and fostering a sense of belonging among residents.

What circumstances led to the initiation of your town team?

The inception of our Town Team stemmed from a collective desire to bridge gaps within our community. Following discussions with our local council about the perceived quietness of our area, I recognised the need for tangible action. However, the challenge lay in determining where to start. It was during this period of contemplation that I stumbled upon the concept of a Town Team. Instantly resonating with our vision, I gathered a team of like-minded individuals to embark on a journey of community activation and showcasing the untapped potential of Dianella.

What contributions have you made over the years?

Drawing from my previous experience in community engagement, I facilitated a strong partnership with the City of Stirling, enabling seamless collaboration and effective planning. Additionally, my involvement in the Town Team allowed me to bring forth valuable insights and strategic thinking to the table. Each member of our team, with their diverse skill sets ranging from writing to finance, has played a crucial role in driving our collective mission forward. Together, we’ve pursued various initiatives while ensuring the sustainability of our efforts and avoiding burnout among our dedicated volunteers.

Describe the dynamic between your Town Team, the community, and local government.

Our Town Team operates within a dynamic ecosystem involving both the community and local government. We’ve cultivated a symbiotic relationship with the Town Team Builders, seeking guidance and support whenever challenges arise. Convergences serve as networking hubs, fostering idea exchange and resource sharing among various community groups. Our strong ties with the City of Stirling have facilitated community feedback incorporation and action plan submissions, underscoring our commitment to collaborative governance and community-driven initiatives.

What are some misconceptions about volunteering?

Occasionally, misconceptions arise regarding the scope of our volunteer work. Some locals may mistakenly believe that we address operational issues such as footpaths, which fall under the purview of local government agencies rather than community volunteer groups like ours.

What fuels your passion for community involvement?

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My passion for community involvement is fuelled by witnessing the tangible impact of our efforts on the lives of residents. From the transformation of neglected parks into vibrant community hubs to the revitalisation of local landmarks, each success story serves as a testament to the power of collective action and community engagement. Moreover, the sense of fulfilment derived from knowing that our endeavours contribute to the betterment of our community serves as a constant source of motivation.

What advice do you offer to those interested in joining Discover Dianella?

For those interested in joining Discover Dianella, I encourage them to identify their passions and interests. Whether it’s gardening, organising playgroups, or providing IT support, there’s a niche for everyone within our vibrant community. By aligning their skills and interests with our ongoing initiatives, individuals can make meaningful contributions while forging lasting connections with fellow residents. Embracing what sparks joy and leveraging one’s unique talents is key to fostering a thriving and inclusive community within Dianella.

Want to get involved and become a doer in your own community? Head to the Town Team Movement website to learn more.

Photography and interview by Ophélie Barbeauedited by Perth is OK!
