Meet Joondalup’s Local Doers: Dawn from Heartbeat Joondalup Town Team

Town Team Local Doers Dawn Joondalup Heartbeat
Home >Local Doers >Meet Joondalup’s Local Doers: Dawn from Heartbeat Joondalup Town Team

We like to bang on about how great (or rather, OK!) Perth is – but our greatness doesn’t just happen out of nowhere!

With a mission to create thriving, connected and empowered communities, Town Team Movement is all about “doers”.

We’re partnering up with Town Team Movement so we can shine a light on some of the people who help make our communities so unique, and just a few of the excellent initiatives they’re working on.

This week, we’re featuring Dawn, one of the brains behind Heartbeat Joondalup, one of Joondalup’s local Town Teams.

Town Team Local Doers Dawn Joondalup Heartbeat

Hi Dawn, could you please introduce yourself?

Karen is my first name, but most people know me as Dawn.

You can call me Dawn; I resonate more with that. It’s actually my middle name, chosen by my mum who passed away a couple of years ago. In June, after some soul searching, I decided to embrace Dawn as my primary name.

So, Dawn, you’re a part of the Heartbeat Joondalup Town team. How long have you been involved?

I joined just before October. Around my 60th birthday, I went on a 60-day trip overseas but stayed connected. When I returned, I felt a strong connection to the community and realised how quiet it was. Wanting to grow my business, I decided to get more involved, starting by opening my office to locals. I discovered many retired individuals feeling lost, which became a driving force for me to create a sense of community. We started having group conversations and it organically evolved from there.

How many people are involved in this project?

Initially, around five, with two key members. It’s common to have core members and others contributing in various capacities, ensuring no one feels overwhelmed.

How did the name Joondalup Heartbeat come about?

A young guy in our group suggested it, emphasising the city centre as the heart and suggesting that I, together with the residents, are the pulse. I loved the idea, and it stuck, symbolising the revival needed in the area.

Town Team Local Doers Dawn Joondalup Heartbeat

Your latest achievement is the mural behind you. Tell me more about it?

We aimed to liven up a dull lane. By bringing in some colour, we received positive feedback from people who found inspiration in the artwork. Olive Chang, an artist, played a significant role, and she’s now inspired to paint more murals around town.

Does art have a place in Joondalup?

Absolutely. Over the 30 years I’ve been here, art has grown in importance. Adding colour to the streets draws people in and promotes community engagement. We’re even considering a QR code system to guide people to various art pieces in the area.

How far are you in achieving this?

Discussions are ongoing, and it seems the city is interested. I’d like to incorporate First Nation people’s culture and art, embracing diversity.

Your projects seem to revitalise Joondalup. What does revitalisation look like for you?

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It’s about connecting people, making them feel they belong and own a piece of this community. Bringing retirees together and combating loneliness. It’s a holistic approach, making Joondalup a vibrant and welcoming place.

What is your motto, Dawn?

The town team’s motto is “Connect. Every day. Because every day is beautiful. There is only love.” Coming from a place of love can make each day better, understanding that everyone has their struggles. Make today your best day with love in your heart.

Town Team Local Doers Dawn Joondalup Heartbeat

Want to get involved and become a doer in your own community? Head to the Town Team Movement website to learn more.

Photography and interview by Ophélie Barbeauedited by Perth is OK!
