8 Steps To Help You Be More Flood Aware And Prepared

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This month we’ve teamed up with the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC)’s Flood Aware Be Prepared Campaign, created in collaboration with Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater, City of Swan, City of Belmont, City of South Perth and Town of Victoria Park, to help educate people in Perth’s eastern regions on being flood aware this winter.

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And what a winter has been – we’ve just gone through our wettest July in 20 years, and while that’s only just begun to level out our year-to-date average thanks to a pretty dry June, we’ve definitely seen the odd flash flood or two over the past few weeks.

So what can you do to prepare when it’s looking like some flooding is likely? Below you’ll find EMRC’s eight helpful tips to get ahead of it, plus what to do in the rare event of a home-affecting flood:

1. Monitor local radio, TV and the Emergency WA or Bureau of Meteorology websites for flood and storm surge information and advice.
2. Turn off your gas, electricity and water.
3. Move your valuables to the highest point possible.
4. Secure loose objects and relocate vehicles, outdoor equipment, waste containers, chemicals and poisons.
5. Move your pets and animals to a safer location.
6. Check on your neighbours to make sure they’re ready.
7. Put fuel in your vehicle.
8. If you’re relocating to a safer place or welfare centre, do so early.

Finally if you do have to leave because of the flood it’s important to continue monitoring emergency channels; only return home when you’re able to via safe routes; and call the SES on 132 500 if you’ve sustained serious property damage (or 000 for life-threatening emergencies).

For more info on how to be better prepared in case of floods, head to the Flood Aware Be Prepared WEBSITE.