A Beloved Bayswater Icon Has Closed It’s Doors After 7 Delicious Years

tbsp closing
Home >News >A Beloved Bayswater Icon Has Closed It’s Doors After 7 Delicious Years

As far as iconic Perth cafes go, tbsp. in Bayswater has been up there for years now. Always a feature on many “best of” brekky lists, their Asian-inspired offerings had us coming back over and over again (the kimcheese and fried chicken burger will live rent free in our heads for eternity).

Sadly those returns will be no more, with the beloved cafe shutting its doors after seven delicious years, the announcement coming via an emotional social media post last night.

“tbsp. has come a long way, from opening our tiny door to Bayswater and the rest of Perth 7 ago; it’s safe to say none of us would expect to find ourselves here,” the post began. “Long story short – we have made the very tough decision of packing things up – a decision made after much consideration, as well as a host of other factors that were out of our control. While we had the option, we decided not to exercise our lease option with the landlord, who has been extremely supportive throughout our tenure.”

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The owners said they were grateful to be a part of Bayswater’s growth and would have loved to continue going for as long as possible, however they feel that tbsp. “with Bayswater has simply run it’s course…”

All is not lost though, with news that the team from popular East Perth cafe Kinky Lizard will be taking over the lease, and you can follow updates via their new Instagramge page – @kinkylizardbayswater.

In the mean time feel free to pay your respects to tbsp. via their Instagram post below, and you can still enjoy some of their delicious offerings at their West Perth offshoot – @forklore.perth.