Airbnb Wants To Give You $140,000 To Design A New Rental Listing – It Just Has To Be Super Weird

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Home >News >Airbnb Wants To Give You $140,000 To Design A New Rental Listing – It Just Has To Be Super Weird

With today’s Airbnb-related news a bit of a bummer, we’ve got some more positive/interesting news relating to the global accommodation booking platform today.

With the boom in unique accommodation options around the world, Airbnb is leaning in and establishing a fund dedicated purely to “making the creative, unusual and unique home-sharing space/listing ideas of aspiring Hosts on Airbnb a reality.”

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It’s called the “OMG! Fund”, a $10 million fund that will be split between the 100 most creative applicants who submit their design concept before the contest closing date of July 22, 2022.

Each winner will receive a USD $100,000 (around $140,000 AUD) cash prize to carry out their plans of creating or renovating their unique space, with the intention upon completion of listing on Airbnb.

Just how unique are we talking? Well the design concept will have to fit in their new “OMG!” category, part of their new categories feature which launched earlier this year and features filters like “Islands”, “Tiny Homes”, “Chef’s Kitchens” and even “The Arctic”.

So if you’ve been sitting on some solid gold ideas like, we dunno…a UFO? You’ve got about three weeks to get your design cranking – get all the contest info here.

A UFO ‘Futuro styled Flying Saucer’! in the UK.

Header Image: Airship in the UK