Alter Boy Win RAC Arena’s Inaugural $10,000 Limelight Music Support Package

Emerging West Aussie band Alter Boy have been selected as the inagural winners of RAC Arena’s Limelight music support fund package, valued at over $10,000.
The judging panel consisted of local and interstate professionals, including West Australian Music board member Alexia Parenzee, Triple J music programmer and producer Tanya Bunter, artist manager Murray Curnow from Hat Management Agency, and Sounds Australia’s digital export producer, Dom Alessio.
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The package was launched in conjunction with WAM as part of RAC Arena’s 10th Anniversary celebrations, with the goal of supporting upcoming local musicians with financial, performance and promotion opportunities over the next year.
As winner, Alter Boy will be able to access the support package during the one year period between 1 January to 31 December 2023, including:
- $5,000 financial assistance
- $2,500 music equipment thanks to Mega Music and Yamaha
- Inclusion in the WAMFest 2023 line-up
- Paid performance opportunities on RAC Arena’s Live Stage
- Promotional support via RAC Arena’s marketing channels
“We are thrilled to name Alter Boy as the very first recipient of our Limelight music support fund,” said RAC Arena general manager Michael Scott. “I think I speak on behalf of the entire judging panel when I say we were blown away by their application.”
As you may have expected, the band were pretty stoked to win the first ever Limelight Music Package: “We’re incredibly excited and thankful to have been selected as the inaugural RAC Arena Limelight Music recipient. This will go a long way towards helping us release our album in 2023!”
Image Credit: Supplied