Perth Institution Cat Haven Celebrates 60 Years Of Helping Our Feline Friends Today!

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Home >News >Perth Institution Cat Haven Celebrates 60 Years Of Helping Our Feline Friends Today!

Today marks the 60th Birthday of beloved Perth-based institution Cat Haven, celebrating with a morning tea at their Shenton Park premises.

Six decades ago in 1961, a small but passionate group of dedicated women saw an issue with the growing number of cats on the streets of Perth, with Mrs Hilda Cockram forming a group to begin fundraising. In 1967 a land grant was secured from the WA Government and two large sheds were built with 50 cages, and thus the formation of Cat Haven began, officially opening to the public in 1969.

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It was a response to the sadly common practice of people dumping, drowning or otherwise killing unwanted cats and kittens. And now in 2021, Cat Haven celebrates 60 years of cat welfare in Western Australia, taking in over 8000 cats and kittens every year, with an incredible zero euthanasia rate for treatable, re-homable cats.

Cat Haven CEO Roz Robinson said, “We have made a huge impact on reducing the number of unwanted cats over our last 60 years. We estimate a conservative 500,000 cats and kittens have come through our doors during this time and we have prevented thousands of others being born via our on-going subsidised or free sterilisation campaigns… My absolute birthday wish would be for the need for our services to diminish in the future, as more responsibility for cat welfare and control is taken up by the community.”

Marketing Coordinator Amber Ashford adds, “Cat Haven have come such a long way with the help of the Getting to Zero program to reduce euthanasia numbers. From having to euthanasia up to 80% of the cats brought into care at the beginning to now the numbers being down to 10% meaning there are so many great stories of cats finding their forever homes. It’s wonderful to see.”

As part of the 60th Birthday celebrations they’re also hosting their annual fundraising Wet Nose Day this Sunday 10 October at the Shenton Park location, featuring kitten cuddles, books, crafts, plants, bric-a-brac, quality pre-loved ladies clothes, kids face painting, Cat Haven merchandise and much, much more. Get all the info HERE.

Head to the Cat Haven Website for more info.