Feel Good Friday: This Calculator Works Out How Long It Takes Gina Rinehart To Earn Your Salary!

Gina Rinheart
Home >News >Feel Good Friday: This Calculator Works Out How Long It Takes Gina Rinehart To Earn Your Salary!

Shout to Reddit user blck_swan who shared this fun little website today that definitely has us eyeing off an early finish straight to the pub this afternoon…

Your Income v Gina is a simple website that appears designed to make you really question whether capitalism was a good choice after all.

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Simply punch in your salary and hit “Go” to find out how quickly it takes Australian mining magnate Gina Rinehart to earn your annual wage.

The billionaire was in the news earlier this week after it was revealed she celebrated her 69th birthday (and 41st at Hancock Prospecting) by giving away $100,000 to 41 employees, decided by a raffle.

You can imagine our absolute lack of surprise to find out Rinehart is generally clocking our yearly salary in under a couple of minutes.

Even more depressing is the fact this website is actually a couple of years old, meaning the net worth it’s calculating from is way lower than estimates, which currently sit around $40 billion AUD.

Image Credit: Hancock Prospecting