Have your say on Metronet’s Queens Park and Cannington Station designs

Metronet Queens Park Cannington Stations
Home >News >Have your say on Metronet’s Queens Park and Cannington Station designs

Back in March, the designs for the new Queens Park and Cannington Stations were revealed to the public for the first time.

Part of the Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project, the project will see the railway elevated and five new elevated stations built along the Armadale Line, as well as the closure of Welshpool Station.

This week, additional renders of the proposed public spaces surrounding the stations have also been revealed, with community feedback now welcomed as part of the project.

The designs, created in conjunction with input from local government, community groups and wider community comments, incorporate activity zones, tree-filled parkland and lawns, as well as interconnected paths for walking, cycling and scootering.

The next designs to be released will be for Beckenham Station and its surrounding areas, which are scheduled to be revealed in the coming months along with another public comment period.

“This is the first time Perth will see a city parkland and elevated rail, creating mixed development and community opportunities,” said Transport Minister Rita Saffioti.

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“Modernising existing facilities will see the area revitalised and new spaces for the community to enjoy.”

“I encourage everyone to have their say on this new space that will be available to the entire community, whether it be recreationally, socially or as a public transport user.”

Metronet Queens Park Cannington Stations
Metronet Queens Park Cannington Stations

“These new stations and elevated rail will transform the corridor, deliver a significant upgrade to our ageing infrastructure and create opportunities for new public open spaces,” added Cannington MLA Bill Johnston.

“These new stations and public open spaces will be for the entire community to enjoy, so it is important people take the time to have their say and provide feedback on the designs.”

If you’d like to have your say on the designs, the public comment period for the City of Canning section of the wider project runs until 5PM, August 23. Find out more info here.
