Marble Bar is setting new extreme heat records with temps above 43ºC for the past few weeks

Marble Bar Temperature gauge
Home >News >Marble Bar is setting new extreme heat records with temps above 43ºC for the past few weeks

It’s been a hundred years since Marble Bar set the still-standing world record for most consecutive days above 37.8 degrees (160), and now the Pilbara town is eyeing off another extreme heat record.

According to, the Pilbara town has gone over the 43 degree mark every day for the past 24 days, matching similar heatwaves in 2015-16 and more recently in 2021.

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It’s now eyeing off the 27-day stretch recorded in 2005, something that according to the Bureau of Meteorology, is all but a formality.

Marble Bar Temperature gauge
Temperature gauge in Marble Bar on December 29, 2023.

According to Weatherzone, the main causes behind the Bar’s intense run of heat has been the lack of monsoons in northern Australia, associated with El Niño.

That monsoon trough is forecast to start making its way over the country’s north later in the week, though too far east for Marble Bar relief.

The Bureau is forecasting light rain early next week, which will hopefully bring with it some relief.

Image Credit: AAP/Wendy McWhirter Brooks, Shutterstock