Meet Myaree’s Local Doers: Gabby Locke from the Hulme Court Collective

We like to bang on about how great (or rather, OK!) Perth is – but our greatness doesn’t just happen out of nowhere!
With a mission to create thriving, connected and empowered communities, Town Team Movement is all about “doers”.
We’re partnering up with Town Team Movement so we can shine a light on some of the people who help make our communities so unique, and just a few of the excellent initiatives they’re working on.
This week, we’re featuring Gabby Locke, one of the brains behind the Hulme Court Collective Town Team.

Gabby is a business owner, operating an IT company within Hulme Court in Myaree, an industrial zone that is growing exponentially. In this place she saw great potential and joined forces with local business owners, staff and community members to create a local Town Team: Hulme Court Collective.
Determined to become an active member in the Myaree community but not sure where to start, the supportive Town Team structure ultimately provided Gabby with a framework to initiate community empowerment through the provision of amenities, the creation of events and the ability to support local businesses as a way of connection and cohesion.
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As a result of the collective work from the team of “doers”, the developed Hulme Court is now convivial and vibrant, benefitting from wooden benches that have been installed in proximity to the local café, as well as a colourful and eye-catching mural, plus new garbage bins throughout the area for the public to enjoy a cleaner and more picturesque space.
Hulme Court Collective now counts ten people to its team – a micro community always welcoming new members and ideas.

As part of her drive to impact her area in a way that would bring people together, Gabby learned that making real connections with others is part of the process of place-making. Significantly, Hulme Court has seen more than 100 people gather in its yard to celebrate the Lunar New Year. The Town Team has witnessed a community willing to cooperatively share a space together and build connections through this event; enough to give a great sense of purpose to its organisers.
A local Town Team equips its members with a structure that creates a space for emergent creativity and for generating a sense of belonging. “Jump in feet first and do it” is the best advice Gabby could give to those willing to better support their local community.
Want to get involved and become a doer in your own community? Head to the Town Team Movement website to learn more.