This Mt Hawthorn PE Teacher Is Running Daily Phys Ed Classes For Kids On YouTube

Home >News >This Mt Hawthorn PE Teacher Is Running Daily Phys Ed Classes For Kids On YouTube

As we march towards the school holidays (or if you’ve already pulled your kids out of school), keeping them entertained while isolated is no doubt high on many parents’ list of concerns, and keeping them fit while doing so is just as important.

Enter Mt Hawthorn Phys Ed teacher Olly Blatchford AKA Mr B.

He’s actually had been running a fitness-based YouTube account for a couple of years, but in light of recent events has really ramped up the output.

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On Mondays through to Friday at 9.30am Mr B has been conducting free, live fitness sessions on YouTube, with a focus on keeping kids’ attention while making it fun and informative.

Chatting to the ABC’s Kate Leaver, Mr Blatchford said, “I wanted to keep my students and my own two kids active at home, so I’ve been doing the videos for a few years to a very small audience but now with the kids being home I thought this is a chance to really step it up. My channel is full of content designed to inspire kids and families to live healthy active lives.”

And so far the vids have been a lot of fun. From things like Fancy Dress Friday and Star Wars workouts to Yoga Fun, Floor Is Lava, and Monday Chair Workouts, it’s a nice and easy way to get the kids up and about under difficult circumstances.

Check out the latest Fancy Dress Friday workout below, and scope the rest on his YOUTUBE CHANNEL.