Free Flicks: This Free Northbridge Outdoor Cinema Is Back!

The sun is starting to come out, the temperature is rising, and as well as days at the beach, we’re gearing up for plenty of movies under the stars!
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After a two year hiatus, the Northbridge Piazza has launched into a new summer season of cinema, with their annual program kicking off over the weekend.

The program features something for everyone, with kid-friendly flicks over select weekends (and even a special Halloween edition!), as well as Date Night favourites every Wednesday night – this week you can catch everyone’s favourite, Mean Girls!
Make it dinner and a movie by bringing a picnic or hitting up one of Northbridge’s many great restaurants.
During December, the program will have more than a hint of festive flavour, while at the end of October the films will be curated in conjunction with the Perth International Jazz Festival.
Check out the full program on the Visit Perth website.