We’ve Got New Shirts, With 100% Of Profits Going To Fuelling The Frontline

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If there’s one thing we hope carries over into whenever (if-ever) life returns to some kind of normality, it’s the strong sense of community and looking out for each other that’s shined through since all that toilet paper nonsense.

And in the interest of doing our bit, we’ve just unveiled a small run of t-shirts and sticker packs, and will be donating 100% of the profits to the Australian Medical Association WA’s ‘Fuelling The Frontline‘ initiative.

The simple initiative shouts our frontline healthcare workers (nurses, doctors, administrators, orderlies etc.) coffees during these unprecedented times.

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Head to the PERTH IS OK SHOP to grab one now, and hear from Fuelling The Frontline volunteer Marnie McKimmie below:

“Fuelling the Frontline  is so excited about having Perth Is OK support the coffee project and we would all like to say a massive thank you for your promised donation and  agreeing to spread the message.

“We are all volunteers – a group of four medical journalists – running this project on behalf of the Australian Medical Association WA, because it is busy focusing energy and efforts on ensuring hospital healthcare staff are properly trained and have proper protective equipment for the fight against COVID-19. AMA WA is overseeing the bank account and all their staff are keeping an eye on all the donations and ensuring accountability. We did not want the money to get frozen in a Go Fund me account.

“We got involved because we have partners, children and friends working in the frontline, but we also saw a strong need to bring the WA community together and ensure healthcare workers were supported and to keep a lid on the aggression that is being seen in the Eastern States. We also wanted to ensure the WA community backed up frontliners by making a commitment to stay at home while they went to work for them.”

You can Follow The Frontline’s progress on FACEBOOK and head to the AMA WEBSITE to donate now – $5 buys one coffee, $20 buys four.