The Good News – Engagement Ring Rescued From Hillarys Boat Harbour: “Sparkling Away Like A Disco Ball In The Sand!”

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Home >News >The Good News – Engagement Ring Rescued From Hillarys Boat Harbour: “Sparkling Away Like A Disco Ball In The Sand!”

If you’re anything like us and you lost an important piece of jewellery in the ocean there’s a good chance you would right off a sad loss, without much to be done about it. Well did you know if you think there’s a chance of being able to find it, there’s someone you can call?!

Last week we came across Sean Boddie and his Ring Rescue business, a lost jewellery metal detecting service that’s helped hundreds of people over the past decade. If you lose something, give Boddie a call and for a small callout fee he’ll search for the missing item for free, with an agreed reward payment only incurred if he’s successful.

And turns out he’s pretty successful, regularly updating his Facebook page with success stories ranging from lost wedding rings, bracelets and even movie props to his most recent effort – an engagement ring that slipped thorough the boardwalk at Hillarys Boat Harbour last week.

Ring Rescues Perth

After losing the ring through the boardwalk the night before, Ben and his fiancee contacted Ring Rescues the following morning (after heroically attempting to find it himself at 5.30am), leaving Boddie faced with the difficult task of finding it in a fairly rubbish-strewn area of the harbour. We’ll let Boddie take over from here, via his Facebook post:

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“So after getting my scuba gear on and making my way under the boardwalk to the search area it wasn’t long before I had my first target. Fanning the sand away with my hand I soon caught a glint of gold and then the shape of a gold ring. I sucked a deep breath of air from my regulator and my heart began to race! You’re joking I thought, have I found the ring first target? I picked it up from the sand but as I drew it nearer I realised it wasn’t a ring but rather a round gold earing [sic]. I thought well it might not be what I’m looking for but it’s a damn good start!”

“Not long later I got another great sounding signal from my metal detector.. this time I revealed a silver earing [sic] quickly followed by 50c. Then a few minutes went by without finding anything so I figured I had now gone beyond the drop zone under the seat, so I turned around and moved across a meter to make a second pass of the area. Once again a few minutes went by without anything and just as I decided to turn once more I heard a cracking good signal in my underwater headphones. Another spat of sand fanning and BINGO, there it was, Bens precious diamond ring sparkling away like a disco ball in the sand!”

“I quietly surfaced under the boardwalk and could see Ben anxiously pacing up and down the small beach I’d left from. I dived back down and surfaced again near the beach and then backed out of the water. I tried to hide my excitement so I could surprise him but I knew I’d failed when Ben said “you found it didn’t you”. I turned towards him as I raised the back of my hand. I held it level for a moment and then turned my hand over to reveal his fiancees engagement ring standing between my fingers. As a huge smile burst across my face I simply said “I sure did!”

Anyways, we figured this was a nice little feel good story to get your week off to a good start, and remember if you lose something precious in the ocean or on the beach, all hope isn’t necessary lost!

Head to the Ring Rescues Website to submit your own loss report, and we’ll cross our fingers and toes for you in the meantime.