Rottnest Island Is Being Evacuated To Make It Available For Quarantine (If Needed)

Home >News >Rottnest Island Is Being Evacuated To Make It Available For Quarantine (If Needed)

Up to date COVID-19 Advice from the WA Health Department: HERE

Up to date COVID-19 advice from the Australian Health Department: HERE

If you had plans to go to Rottnest Island any time soon we have some sad news for you today, as the State Government has begun clearing everyone off the island in case it was needed during the current COVID-19 crisis.

Yesterday the McGowan Government had flagged the potential for this to be the case, and hasn’t wasted any time in getting it moving with the island accepting no new visitors after 11.30am this morning (Monday 23 March, 2020).

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“If we don’t end up having to use Rottnest… well, we’ve lost some money and some people’s holidays have been ruined. But on the other hand, if we do need to use the island, people will probably be happy that we made this decision now,” he said yesterday.

Rottnest Express has understandably been inundated with calls, but have asked for patience and for people to call now only if they’re booking is commencing within the next 24 hours:

“As a result of the Premier’s announcement this morning, “I have advised the minister responsible for Rottnest, Paul Papalia to start the process of clearing Rottnest Island to ensure that we have Rottnest available if needed’ we will be cancelling any guests due to travel to Rottnest Island effective 11.30am, Monday 23rd March 2020. Our call centre is under significant pressure responding to the rapidly evolving travel situation. At this stage we are prioritising those with imminent travel, and we ask that you do not call our call centres unless your travel is commencing within the next 24 hours. Please standby and wait to hear from us before changing your booking. If you booked through a travel agency or third-party website, please contact these companies directly. Thank you for your patience and understanding.”

We’re letting you know this information as no doubt there are some of you who had plans to head to Rottnest soon, but it’s obviously time to work on getting those plans cancelled, whilst following Rottnest Express’s advice above in letting the most urgent people through.

Header photo by Life Of Py.