Legendary Community Radio Station RTRFM Celebrates 45 Years With A Huge Freo Takeover This Sunday

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Home >News >Legendary Community Radio Station RTRFM Celebrates 45 Years With A Huge Freo Takeover This Sunday

It was two score and five years ago that the little old community radio station that could, RTRFM, began broadcasting out of UWA (first as 6UWA, later 6UVS) – in the process becoming the very first station on the FM dial in Western Australia!

And ever since that fateful day in 1977, RTRFM has championed local artists and alternative music in this State with a fervour we should all be grateful for.

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This weekend is your chance to celebrate with them as RTRFM hosts SINCE ’77 – their 45th birthday party and a genre-spanning, all day affair in a couple of iconic Fremantle venues – Mojos and Port Beach Brewery.

Taking place from 12pm on Sunday 27 Feburary, in the Mojos mainroom you can catch the sounds of Turnstyle, Justin Walshe Folk Machine, Maurice Flavel’s Intensive Care, Simone & Girlfunkle, Mathas, The Little Lord Street Band, The Floors, Banjo Lucia, The Washing Line Economy and a Welcome to Country and solo set from Phil Walley-Stack.

Outside in the Courtyard it’s over to DJs from shows like Ambient Zone, Drastic on Plastic, Black and Blue, Jamdown Vershun and Soulsides.

Meanwhile at Port Beach Brewery Blue Grey Pink and Sweetmate Promotions help with the program, inviting Odlaw, Pat Chow, Gap Year and Jocelyn’s Baby from the former inside, with New Talk, Odette Mercy & Her Soul Atomics, The Volcanics, Last Quokka (pictured) and Catherine Traicos from the latter in the beer garden.

There’ll be food, merch and merriment available all day, and you can grab your tickets via the RTRFM Website.